3D Scene Reconstruction of Cold Storage Facility Serves as a Critical Tool in Fire Investigation / by Jeff Drake

Aerial view of the fire as it consumes foam roof insulation and solar panels

A major fire loss occurred on a bright blue September day. A 300,000 sq. ft. cold storage warehouse facility was destroyed as fire spread uncontrolled across a membrane roof covered with over 7,000 solar panels. As part of the initial insurance investigation, sections of unburned roof, solar hardware, and other building components were removed and retained as evidence. The remaining structure was dismantled, and the site was cleared. Two years later, a multidisciplinary expert team was retained by attorneys defending a design/build firm in a subrogation action. The expert team was tasked with determining the origin and cause of the fire.

Overall view of the 3D model with the roof off shows general arrangement of interior layout

As a key member of the expert team, Drake Exhibits led the scene reconstruction effort. The scene reconstruction expert’s role is to provide a comprehensive and coherent virtual representation of the overall site. Drake Exhibits synthesized information from building plans, fire photos, security video, investigator’s photos, and the physical evidence into a 3D computer model. This virtual fire scene reconstruction included the building structure, rack storage arrangement, fire sprinkler system zones, roofing system components, solar panel array, and other critical infrastructure. The 3D model was a touchstone for team members during work sessions, case discussions, and client presentations. The reconstruction enabled a unified view of the building and facilitated technical analyses by engineering and fire science team members of a facility that no longer existed.

Detailed view of the 3D model showing a cross section through the roof at an insulated partition wall

Drake Exhibits’ scene reconstruction graphics illustrated multiple aspects of the scene. Orientation slides showed bird’s-eye-views of the overall structure, interior arrangements, sprinkler zones, and solar panel layouts. Zoomed in views were used to show construction details, roofing materials, and sprinkler arrangements. A series of graphics utilized the 3D model to show locations and the relationship of physical evidence to the building. The graphics were used in expert reports, client briefing presentations, and litigation graphics packages for mediation and trial.

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