Scene Reconstruction Illustrates Non-Compliant Furnace Installation that Caused a Fire / by Jeff Drake

3D reconstruction of fire building shows waste oil furnace location inside the wash bay

A waste oil furnace was installed to provide heat for a South Dakota commercial vehicle repair shop. After a fire destroyed the building, fire investigators determined the non-compliant installation of the furnace was the cause of the fire. The installation did not meet the NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment. The installer failed to heed the instructions in the installation manual supplied by the furnace’s manufacturer. The loss included the entire repair shop as well as several pieces of heavy equipment adding up to a total loss exceeding $1 million.

View with ceiling panels removed shows insulation packed around chimney pipe

Drake Exhibits was retained by the property owner’s insurer to complete a scene reconstruction and litigation graphics package in support of their subrogation suit against the installer. Jeff Drake recreated the fire building from pre-and post-fire photos, investigator’s measurements, and manufacturer’s specifications for heating equipment in a 3D computer model.

Litigation graphics are used to: orient, educate, illustrate, and explain. This matter involved creating a series of graphics to show the relationship of the oil furnace to the building and then zoom in on pertinent construction details and inadequacies of the furnace installation to set the scene for the explanation of how the deficient installation contributed to the cause of the fire.

drake exhibits scene reconstruction SD 3

View of furnace chimney with deficiencies of installation called out

The deficiencies in the installation were illustrated within the context of the building. Each deficiency called out was further explained in detail by a series of slides that incorporated diagrams from manufacturers’ installation manuals. Diagrams were enhanced with color and specific text was called out and highlighted to reinforce the requirements for the furnace installation.

Slide depicting requirements for the installation of an attic insulation shield through an insulated space

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